Earth Hour 2015 saves THB7.5M

By turning off lights at a number of landmarks and busy locations for Earth Hour on Saturday, Bangkok saved 1,940 megawatts and THB7.5 million.

WWF Thailand estimates the Thai capital’s carbon dioxide output was reduced by 1,127 tons for participating in the annual event intended to raise awareness of climate change worldwide.

More than doing something for an hour, WWF Thailand Director Yowalak Thiarachow said climate change needs to be a round-the-clock issue.

The Grand Palace, Temple of Dawn, Rama IX Bridge, Central World, MBK Center and the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre were among participating local landmarks, joining the likes of the Golden Gate Bridge, Eiffel Tower and Greek’s Acropolis.

Photo:  @Yaacoub Hallak


Bangkok to shine a little less brightly for ‘Earth Hour’


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