Dhammakaya turns 45 in shadow of new scandal

ABOVE: Devotees at the embattled Dhammakaya sect gathered outside Bangkok yesterday to observe the Makha Bucha festival and, it would seem, recreate scenes from Alejandro Jodorowsky’s “Dune.” Photo: Nicholas Asfouri / AFP

The Dhammakaya Movement celebrated its 45th anniversary yesterday on its expansive grounds in northern Bangkok amid a wash of new scrutiny.

Devotees gathered at the temple, which draws strong support from Bangkok middle class and bears a strong resemblence to a spaceship, to pray during a ceremony one day after the Department of Special Investigations announced it would summon its abbot and a number of monks for questioning over a credit union scandal.

Long criticized for practicing a commercial Buddhism that emphasizes material wealth, the temple’s leadership stands accused of benefiting to the tune of THB1 billion from an embezzlement scandal at the Klongchan Credit Union Co-operative, according to Bangkok Post.

About 15 years ago, the movement’s leadership was accused of fraud, embezzlement and corruption.

In 2006 abbot Phra Dhammakaya agreed to return all the cash to the temple and the National Office for Buddhism cleared him and the foundation of any wrongdoing.

A move by the religious authorities of the Sangha Council to punt on taking action against the temple provoked an unprecedented level of criticism against the august body of Buddhist elders.


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