Controlling Cabbie: Thai taxi’s list of behavior rules for passengers enrages riders

Photo: JS100 Radio
Photo: JS100 Radio

Netizens are fuming over viral photos of one Bangkok taxi driver’s list of rules for riders in his car.

After an angry rider snapped a picture of the handwritten sign and submitted it to the Facebook page of a popular news radio station, commenters have been hotly debating whether a cabbie is even allowed to set such specific rules for those paying for a ride in his vehicle.

Pics of the list of rules, posted yesterday morning on JS100 Radio’s Facebook page, got 700 comments overnight.

On the strangely specific list of prohibited behaviors in this man’s cab are: chewing gum and eating toffee, using a powder puff, and spraying perfume.

The driver’s list goes on to note that no chemicals can be used in the car and that games, WhatsApp, and Line messaging apps must be muted, not just turned down.

His Thai language sign then morphs into some kind of behavior lesson, stating:

“You are all grown-ass human beings. If you’re not considerate, don’t expect others to be. Bangkok also has buses.”

The list is randomly signed off in English with the sweet message, “From Taxi Don’t Care.”

It seems like this guy could use some behavior lessons himself.

Some post commenters approved of the man’s sign while others said it’s not his place to make so many rules and that, if he dislikes so many of passengers’ typical behaviors, maybe he shouldn’t be driving a public cab.

“Just stop driving taxis. Don’t you understand what providing a service is?” one user said.

One user made the excellent point that the rule list should be posted so that riders can see it before they get in, so that they have the option to not ride with this driver.

But the best comment was from a man that said if he has to follow a set of rules, he’d like the driver to follow a set as well. These could include: Don’t talk about politics, don’t reject passengers, don’t hang up garlands or other large decorations, don’t play loud music, don’t talk on the phone, don’t get road rage, and don’t use an old, smelly car for public transport.

We would approve of that.


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