Songkran Atchariyasap is an angry man with an attention-getting formula. He finds stuff on the internet, he gets angry, he goes to the media and police.
After raging against horny teachers, a monk’s magic wooden penis, coffin suicide, a student provocateur and bad-boy monks, Songkran this week has a new target: three uni girls he says should be arrested for being too sexy.
Seemingly the president and only member of an ultraroyalist, ultraconservative group called the “Network Against Acts that Destroy Kingdom, Religion and Monarchy,” Songkran said he wants action taken after he watched a video of students dancing suggestively in their uniforms. He also said that he searched for, found and looked at more than 100 sexy photos of them, and now he wants them punished.
Songkran went to the police this morning claiming the photos he spent so much time looking at also contain drug paraphernalia. He said the girls are students at a famous university in the Huamark area of the capital’s Bang Kapi district.
Huamark is home to an ABAC campus and Ramkhamhaeng University.
Songkran said the students should be charged for obscenity and publishing obscene materials to the internet.
The Crime Suppression police have accepted Songkran’s request and will consider what to do, Sanook reported.
Online activist sues coffin-monk for fraud
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