Conservative Car Show? Pretties at Motor Expo told to settle for skirt below their knees

Motor Expo is known for its display of shiny vehicles and the sexy models that stand, pose, preen and writhe on them. However, the entertainment at the popular event will be toned down this year and the pretties have been told to cover up.

As the mourning period comes to an end, the committee of Motor Expo will proceed with their mega event on Dec. 1 – Dec. 12 at IMPACT Challenger. They have requested car companies to not host any entertainment activities, such as dance performances, at their booths.

READ: Pretties Good Motor Show: Photogs shoot all the latest models but no cars (PHOTOS)


As for the pretties, the motor companies have to submit their outfits for approval. They may not wear revealing outfits and their skirts or pants have to fall below their knees.

Fifty-seven motor companies are participating in the event this year. It is expected that the event will generate THB50 billion revenue with 50,000 cars and 4,000 motorcycles sold, Daily News reported.



Officials weight obscenity charges for body-paint pretties

Pretties Please: Check out the latest models at Motor Expo 2014 and cars too





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