Pattaya tourists got a chance yesterday to taste the rare sea coconut, which is also sometimes called “double coconut” or even “a lady’s butt coconut” by Thai people because of its shape. They tasted it at Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden where they decided to share the expensive species with visitors.
The tourist attraction held an event for tourists to try a bite of a sea coconut for free after they found that one had fallen from their tree. Sea coconut, which does not grown in the sea but is native to islands, is a protected species and one piece can cost up to THB30,000 in the market.
According to the garden’s staff, this particular coconut aged over two years old and fell from a 39-year-old tree. It weighed over 20 kilograms.
Everybody agreed that the rare species tasted delicious.
The staff said the particular tree has produced only eight coconuts in its lifetime. There are currently 25 sea coconut trees at Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden, Morning News reported.