Cheeky Instagram butt photo bros delete account after temple pics elicit Thai rage

If you were searching for popular niche Instagram travel account traveling_butts this morning, you aren’t going to find it.

The account, in which two bros from California photograph their bare asses at famous tourist sites around the world, was deleted after the two guys that run it, Joseph and Travis, dropped trou at a prominent Bangkok temples over the weekend and did not receive a “land of smiles” welcome. In fact, they got death threats from Thais who were deeply offended by the disrespect to their holy sites.


Fair enough, the cheeky duo was ballsy enough to photograph their bare asses outside Wat Arun and Wat Pho. That’s hardly okay at these holy Thai landmarks that don’t even allow women to show bare arms or legs on the premises.

Before taking the account down, the dudes had 14,400 followers.

Online comments from Thais expressed sentiments such as: “Disgusting couple, get out of my country,” “What you’ve done is less than an animal!” “They are from a civilized country, but they are the most vile,” and, a personal favorite, “Your ass is always an abscess, you idiot.”

They guys even received threats, such as people suggesting they be hunted and  “Thai people are generous enough, but don’t do this. You can die,” and “There’s a gun behind your back.”

Expats in the country seemed to share those feelings, when the post was shared on Facebook group Everything Bangkok, commenters said, “Disrespectful,” “They wouldn’t do that in their home country,” “bastards,” and “you can not fix stupid.”

Though one person pointed out that Buddhism calls out for compassion not hate, another replied that what the men were doing was an act of “willful ignorance.”

The final word on the ‘grams that were, at best, in extremely bad taste, had to come from Facebook user Korkiet Sripongphand who posted this photo of what appears to be him and his grandmother flipping these butt bros off.


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