Calm reigns for now, Suthep promises renewed conflict Friday

The last time Thailand was riven by factional strife, the Democracy Monument required cleaning by volunteers on April 15, 2010. Photo: Coconuts Bangkok


The day after violent protests abruptly ended in truce with police standing down and protesters returning to their bases before the king’s birthday Thursday, people gathered today to clean up the rally site on Ratchadamnoen Road.

Cleaning crews and trucks from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration contributed to the effort, while other parties donated cleaning supplies.



Today protesters marched to the Royal Thai Police headquarters to demand speedy investigation of last weekend’s violence.

Any violence on Thursday would be a deep affront to many, but it remains to be seen if the peace will hold come Friday.

Suthep Thaugsuban, the figurehead of the nearly month-long effort to topple Thailand’s government in favor of unelected leadership, promised it would not. After Thursday’s truce, he said the battle would begin again early Friday, Bangkok Post reported.



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