Behold! Mystical termite mound looks like Thai ghostboy

Villagers in the northeast of Thailand found a termite mound they insist looks just like Thailand’s auspicious boy ghost of the moment.

Discovered yesterday in the midst of the jungle around the Ban Khok Klan community in Surin province, the mound quickly drew notice for its likeness to Ai Khai, a centuries-old spirt who’s been drawing thousands to a temple in the south.

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While some are holding up the blessed insect nest as a blessing from mother nature – people are already queuing to receive its lottery number wisdom – others say it was probably carved to resemble the en vogue spirit by a very crafty local monk. 

Ai Khai is a prankster boy spirit who has become so popular in recent years that he now has a network of temples nationwide. He is believed to be the deceased student and servant of a veteran monk who tasked him with protecting a temple, a quest he held true to even after his death there.

Like all things divine, Ai Khai has proven his divinity for many through key articles of faith: winning lottery numbers.


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