Bangkok left high and dry after booze ban indefinitely extended

Original image: Igor Ovsyannykov
Original image: Igor Ovsyannykov

Tomorrow’s stay-at-home parties are being canceled on word the ban on alcohol sales won’t be lifted any time soon.

Asked about the three-week old ban on sales, the Interior Ministry’s permanent secretary Chatchai Promlert said today that current measures would remain in place until at least May 31, sinking hopes of even a two-day reprieve many had expected over the long holiday weekend.

He said the ban would remain “until further notice.”

Despite Chatchai’s comments, City Hall is expected to make a formal announcement about Bangkok’s plans, with the authorities in other provinces likely to do the same.

Update: Thailand lifts booze ban, sales to resume Sunday

The current booze ban in Bangkok as well as over a dozen of other provinces was set to expire today.  It was originally enacted days before the traditional Thai New Year’s festival was set to begin, a reliably sodden time of public carousing and inebriation. 

Originally it was justified as a public health measure in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world. Thailand has had a strong prohibition lobby that has pushed hard and made gains in limiting the availability of alcohol in recent years under the socially conservative, military-backed government.   


Booze now banned nationwide. Find out for how long in each province.


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