Abandoned but not forgotten, ‘Thaimail’ to take its bow

It’s time to say goodbye to Thaimail, the legendary “email of the people.”

With its slogan “free email of the Thai people, by the Thai people and for the Thai people,” Thailand’s first free email service was launched April 15, 1997, by IT-related company ARiP.

All good things must end, especially when no one uses them anymore. ARiP announced yesterday that after 17 years, Thaimail will be shut down starting Sep. 1.

What users remain are reminded to transfer their precious information to other services such as Gmail or Hotmail, for those still trapped in 1999.

It’s an end of the first Internet era for Thailand. Although the service is no longer popular, many remember Thaimail as their first e-mail account they had, while others were introduced to it through their computer teachers’ introduction to the Internet.

With the email service’s death will also go its empty chatrooms, negleceted e-card and forgotten webboards, which once thrummed with activity.

“To reform our service to suit with the current situation, we decided to stop Thaimail.com service.

This will effect from September 1, 2014. The users are now advised to transfer the information in Thaimail into other places.”



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