New air traffic control system delays 85 flights at Don Mueang, Suvarnabhumi

Instead of improving efficiency and easing flight congestion, a new flight management system introduced at Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports ended up delaying 85 flights this morning.

The system was introduced by the state-run air traffic controller, the Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co. (Aerothai), at both airports.

Aerothai vice-president Thinnakorn Chuwong said the delay was caused by the traffic controller introducing the adjusted air traffic management system for the first time today.

The unfavourable weather conditions also made the delays longer, he said.

Of the 85 flights affected, 51 were at Suvarnabhumi airport and 34 at Don Mueang airport.

The longest delay of one hour 45 minutes was at Suvarnabhumi airport, reported Thai PBS.

The situation had returned to normal by noon today, Thinnakorn said.


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