You can now blow up the BTS as it passes through Lumpini Park

In 2010 it became the fortified home of both protesters and the shadowy “Men in Black.” This year, Lumpini Park was occupied by another vein of protesters, and violence including grenade and gun attacks became nightly occurrences.

If you’ve ever wanted to unleash your own destructive mayhem in Bangkok’s verdant central park but without actually hurting anyone, Electronic Arts and DICE have got your appetite for virtual destruction covered.

In a promotional video released for Battlefield 4’s new DLC pack “Dragon’s Teeth,” a kindly narrator – we’ll assume unfamiliar with the park’s more violent moments – describes all the awesome things that can be done in “Lumphini Garden.”

“There’s some cool Levolution events in here, like blowing up the trainway that goes over the center of the map,” he describes as a massive explosion tears apart something resembling the BTS Skytrain.

The elevated BTS line also provides “some pretty cool long-range sniping,” he describes, a thought he wasn’t the first to have, according to some allegations and photos.

Chulalongkorn Hospital, outside of which several people were shot dead during the army crackdown of May 19, 2010, makes an appearance as the “limited urban environment with some familiar structures.”

Not that Bangkok was singled out – the new game content also includes three other Asian battlefields: Pearl Market is set in Beijing, Propaganda in Pyongyang and Sunken Dragon in Hong Kong.

Dragon’s Teeth was released today.



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