Infographic: Thai Girls’ Romantic Expectations

In hope of sweetening the air in Bangkok and making love blossom in every soi, we invited women to complete a love survey to find out just what it is they want. Ninety responded, declaring their romantic expectations in their own language. Now we’ve translated the results for the gentlemen.

According to our totally unscientific and heterocentric survey of Thai women conducted during the past week, here’s what we learned:

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1. Dream men: Nice guys don’t finish last.

When it comes to picking their dream men, the top three characteristics women chose of 11 choices laid down for them were quite predictable as they prefer a man to be tall (92%), of Thai-Chinese descendant (44%), and light-skinned (42%). One interesting fact: 23 percent said they wouldn’t date men with tattoos.

In terms of personality traits, Thai women prove nice guys don’t finish last, as they said they would fall for a man who is loyal (80%), smart (66%), and funny (57%). To even maximize the niceness, half of them suggested their man should also be hard-working and a non-smoker.

2. Sexist, rude jokes are not funny.

In addition to “funny”, many women left comments indicating they prefer the polite kind of funny rather than raunchy, and a positive attitude. So leave the “Make me a sandwich!” jokes because they’re not going to get you anywhere.

3. No money does not always mean no honey.

Then we asked them an important question: does no money really mean no honey?

Perhaps influenced by culture and traditions, 59 percent of respondents seek financial parity and want to wed someone with the same financial status. Meanwhile 16 percent don’t care about money, while the rest want richer men.

So if you want a girl in your league, you’re good to go.

3. Most women in a relationship are happy with their partner.

Of the taken ones, 83 percent say their partners are just right for them, and on average they scored their relationships with 4 stars. So either they’re pretty happy with their dudes, or they didn’t believe this was really anonymous.

4. Still, the city is full of single ladies.

Over half of survey takers do not have a date tonight for Valentine’s Day.

5. Dining on high and Rot Fai Park are romantic

We asked the women to write in the perfect place to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and many suggested rooftop restaurants such as Baiyoke Tower, Sirocco and Red Sky while others wrote in Rot Fai Park.

6. Flowers never fail.

For the perfect Valentine’s day gift, most expect the basic necessity: flowers.

7. Most romantic, fantasy scenarios end with a proposal. Not the indecent kind.

In the free space to get creative and imagine their perfect romantic scenario, 20 percent of women surprisingly included one same detail: a marriage proposal, and many imagined a private get-away.

“I want him to take me to a romantic dinner and say he’ll love me forever and then propose marriage,” an anonymous participant wrote.

“I want to go to a unique country like Macedonia or Montenegro, where we would camp out in a tent at night, make a fire, and then he would propose,” another wrote. 

8. And some women are just weird.

Some girls had bizarrely specific notions of romantic gestures.

“I want to go to Japan with him, and we would go to an onsen where he would use his hands to cover my nakedness,” another woman explained.

9. Their best romantic moments were quite grand indeed.

“He yelled ‘I love you!’ in the middle of the airport! I felt so complete,” “Babyblue” said of her best romantic moment.

Although many girls said the romantic gestures are in words and surprise flowers, Lyn moved us with her message that actions speak louder than gifts:

“Romance for me is not something like a candlelight dinner. My ex-boyfriend did something so romantic that I would never forget. I was in a car accident, and I couldn’t walk for three months. My boyfriend would carry me everywhere, even to the bathroom, and he said it was a chance for him to prove how much he really loved me. He took care of me until I was healed.”

10. An attempt of romance usually never goes wrong.

Any romantic gesture attempted by their man, 75% agreed, is romantic, even if it falls a little short.

11. As long as that attempt is not unforgivably lame.

The rest said it would be better if the guys paid more attention to details:

“He brought me flowers, but he just gave them to me while they were still in a plastic bag!” Elle wrote.

“He went to the beach and said he had a surprise souvenir for me, then he whipped out a sea shell. (Why would anyone do that?)” A.M. wrote.

All in all, the survey has given us a quite interesting perspective on Thai ladies, and proved that the key to a girl’s heart cannot be anything else but treating her nicely and showing her the expressions of love and care. At least that’s what they said.

So, keep your nice on, be a gentlemen, and have a happy Valentine’s Day! 

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