Thailand’s first Miss Universe of 1965 shocks world with recent pic

Everyone did a complete double-take today after seeing a recent photo of Thailand’s first Miss Universe.

When a photo of 67-year-old Apasra Hongsakula, still looking lovely and graceful, spread online this week, she made headlines anew and waves online for her baby face, including a rumor she went through a THB2.5 million anti-aging course.

But still, look at her! Sure the photo is a little blurry and fuzzy, but Apsara doesn’t look much different then when she won the international pageant in 1965, when she became the second winner from Asia.

Nor does she have that space-alien plastic surgery look.

Apsara’s manager this morning denied the rumors of bizarre, expensive rejuvenation therapies on Morning News, claiming she only changed her hair from wavy to straight, which made her look younger.

Meanwhile, here are more photos of Apasra in her pageant days.

Photos: Thanlandbeauties, Postjung


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