A salute to Bangkok’s wonderfully hideous overhead cable art (PHOTOS)

Though we doubt they’re going away anytime soon, news that Bangkok plans to clear out its tangle cobwebs of cables that coil and drape and swing from every street gave us some sentimental feels.

Perhaps losing these symbols of an unplanned, as-you-go approach where things get tacked onto tacked-on things represents some greater sweep of change in the character of our beloved city. After all, how else will you be able to look up and immediately know where in the world you are?

READ: Tangled cable nightmare-nests to disappear from Bangkok

A dispute between telecom providers and the municipal power authority led to news emerging yesterday the city plans to underground all power and data cables throughout the city at great expense.

Here are some prime, reader-submitted examples to enjoy.

Photo: Aggie Hertel

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Randolph Ruiz

Photo: Simon Bushnell

Photo: Simon Bushnell

Photo: Simon Bushnell

Photo: Simon Bushnell

Photo: Simon Bushnell

Photo: Simon Bushnell


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