Jammed up: Bangkok is second most congested city in the world, says study

We already knew that the traffic is one of the worst things about Bangkok — and now a study has confirmed that the city has worse traffic jams than any other place in the world apart from Mexico City.

Drivers in Bangkok spend on average 57 per cent extra travel time stuck in traffic at any time of the day, according to the TomTom Traffic Index 2016, which takes data from last year.

It gets worse in the mornings, when Bangkok drivers spend up to 85 per cent extra time in traffic, while in the evening peak period that slows even further to 114 per cent.

Bangkok was pipped to the top spot by the Mexican capital, where drivers spend 59 per cent extra travel time in traffic. Next was Istanbul (50 per cent), followed by Rio de Janeiro (47 per cent) and Moscow (44 per cent).

The Dutch navigation firm measured traffic congestion in 295 cities across 38 countries in the world to compile the rankings.

“The TomTom Traffic Index is released every year to help drivers, cities and transport planners to understand traffic congestion trends but, most importantly, how to improve congestion globally,” said Ralf-Peter Schaefer, VP TomTom Traffic.

“We really want everybody to think about how they can lower the amount of time they waste in traffic every day – and to realise that we all need to play a part. We can all work together to beat traffic congestion.”


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