Up on Jim Thompson Art Center’s roof, you’ll now find skewers, craft beer

The Jim Thompson Art Center is getting a little spicier with a pop-up barbeque joint perched atop its roof. 

After exploring the art exhibitions and library, visitors can climb upstairs to the rooftop to enjoy the current Bangkok breeze over skewers and craft beers at Larb Siab. 

With an orange metallic roof, uncomfy steel chairs at the bar, and folding chairs on a concrete floor, the place has street food stall vibes. Get there early to catch the sunset or round up some friends for a night out.

Owner Arthit “Fai” Mulsan, formerly the venue’s molam music arts curator and Isaan culture scholar, opened the space because northeastern food culture could do better.

Given the craze for tongue-numbing mala skewers, Fai began experimenting on his larb skewers from scratch, starting with selections of beef to hone taste profiles. The result was addictive, bite-sized skewers complete with toasted rice powder, bird’s eye chilis, lime juice, and fish sauce. The skewers cost THB30 or THB40 each, with a choice of meat including beef onglet, shank, duck thigh, and pork intestines.

His Isaan sausage (THB40) is stuffed — and later torched—with cheese, a combination that’s delightful in an unusual way. 

There are also vegetarian options available, from grilled eggplant and okra to king oyster mushroom, all finished with homemade nam prik pao sauce. 

Larb Siab is open 6pm to 11:45pm from Wednesday through Sunday on the rooftop of the Jim Thompson Art Center, which can be reached from BTS National Stadium.

This story originally appeared in BK.


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