Bug out: Insects are the new rice for Thai exports

After being stung, bit and infected by pesky invertebrates for millennia, humans everywhere are uniting to say: We’re gonna eat you too.

Thailand may no longer be the world’s No. 1 rice producer, but now it enjoys a new fame for another type of delicacy – bugs.

High in protein and relatively inexpensive to cultivate, edible insects may prove to be an alternative food supply in the near future. Today there are about 20,000 bug farms turning out 7,500 tons of crickets, grasshoppers and other bugs per year, according to Samui Times.

Even in the United States, crickets have found their way into the kitchen in the form of “cricket flour” which can be used for baking, and protein bars for a quick, nutritious snack.

As consumption for these crunchy delicacies increases globally, there is great optimism Thailand could very well swarm foreign markets.

Photo: Christine Olson


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