MCCY’s ad about sports takes a pretty cringeworthy stance on memes

Photo: u/GotBobHope
Photo: u/GotBobHope

Even Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has evolved into the Prime Memenister and jumped in on some dank internet fun with his now infamous “they protecc, they attacc” Facebook post. And we gotta say, that’s a pretty great way to win over the millennial votes.

But! We also know that bad copy accompanying government ads can get cringe-worthy enough to send chills down our spines. Like PM Lee, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) jumped on the meme machine and decided to have a go at shitposting with a new ad that’s meant to promote stronger sports culture in Singapore. Just take a look at this ad, brought to Singapore’s Reddit community by u/GotBobHope.

sports memes
Photo: u/GotBobHope via Imgur

Unfortunately, it advocated that sports are “The Real Social Network” where memes are irrelevant — though we can’t imagine why the MCCY would ever take a dump on funny internet pictures and captions to capture the millennial attention. MCCY’s doing it all wrong; it should be the opposite, dammit. It’s 2017 — it should know that today’s pop culture runs on internet memes, and nothing is immune to the power of photoshop and witty-ass captions. Here, this is how you meme sports.


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