Thailand remains least miserable country for third year running

Photo: Roberto Trombetta/Flickr
Photo: Roberto Trombetta/Flickr

It’s the third year that Thailand has been named the least miserable nation out of those ranked on Bloomberg’s Miserable Index.

The newly-released  2017 list sees Thailand ranked at 2.6 on the Index. Thailand’s score was slightly higher (as in, slightly more miserable) than last year, which was an astonishingly low 1.2, but it was still the least miserable of the 65 nations ranked.

The experts at Bloomberg believe that the relative happiness of the Thai people is directly related to the low unemployment rate just 1.08 percent of the population of working age is unemployed — as well as the low inflation rate of just 0.59 percent.

The next least miserable countries listed by Bloomberg were Singapore, Switzerland, Japan, Iceland, Taiwan, Denmark, Israel, South Korea and Hong Kong.

Topping the list for the most miserable country is Venezuela. Experts believe that is due to the country’s financial problems that have left citizens starving and unable to eat or receive medical care. These problems have also led to a sharp increase in violent crime.


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