Man calmly tries to open door of random car at traffic junction, and of course it happened in Yishun

If it was any other neighbourhood, folks would totally express their spitting outrage and horror over this man who was caught on tape trying to open a car door for no reason at all. 

But since it happened in Yishun, it’s just another day in Murderer and Siao Lang town.

Roger Chan had the unfortunate experience of encountering a “clearly troubled” man who wandered from a traffic junction near Yishun Bus Interchange and suddenly approached his car, which also had Chan’s wife and baby child in it. It’s all very creepy — the man in orange calmly stared into the car from the front and tried to open the driver’s side door, like a Grand Theft Auto-themed torment.

Luckily for Chan and his family, his door was locked. But the act was disturbing enough for Chan to accelerate forward (despite the red light) to distance his family from the man. Dammit, Yishun, why do you have to be such a loony neck of the woods?


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