Facebook page RBreezy taken down for rape joke, but the battle isn’t over yet

We’re disgusted by the rape joke. We’re even more disgusted by the people who found it funny.

Facebook page RBreezy was taken down after netizens complained about a tasteless rape joke posted on its timeline. 

“Hindi ka magagahasa, kung eenjoyin mo.”

(You won’t be raped if you enjoy it)

Here’s a screenshot from a helpful community, End Rape Culture PH.

Rolling on the floor yet? People actually found that funny.

RBreezy heavily promoted sexually oriented videos. According to the site’s Instagram account, several RBreezy accounts have already been temporarily blocked in the past. 

“RBreezy has tons of pages dedicated to rape culture and misogyny, sexism. Call it whatever you wish. It’s trash and definitely has no place on earth, or the universe, rather,” posted End Rape Culture PH. 

“The good news is, the main page that published that rape joke can no longer be found.”

It was a small victory indeed, but the fight against rape culture is far from over. 

Less than 24 hours after the RBreezy FB page was taken down, a new one is up. And it now has 2,000 followers. Fortunately, the administrator’s first post about attending a “bible study” has gotten hate replies from netizens. 

Meanwhile, there is also a separate petition asking the National Telecommunications Commission to take down the RBrezzy page calling it a “cancer of social media and the world wide web.” So far, it has only gotten around 600 signatures.

Our suggestion? Go sign the petition and report the Facebook page. Battles like this are won with baby steps, yes?


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