10 things Rodrigo Duterte and Donald Trump have in common

The United States has business tycoon Donald Trump — and the Philippines has Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. The two seem be cut from the same mold. Difference in appearance aside, Trump and Duterte are practically twins.


1. They’re brash men of action who like to shake up the Establishment

Sometimes with fascinating outcomes, at other times with disturbing results.


2. Both announced their presidential runs in dramatic fashion

They both got everyone’s attention, not that these two ever have trouble getting attention.


3. They both get super-sized media mileage

Thanks to the fact that they both seem to have no “public relations filter”.


4. Both love to swear

But only Duterte would dare curse the Pope. Duterte later apologized for his profanity-laden joke, and the Vatican forgave him for it.


5. They’ve made controversial remarks about women

Trump even zeroed in on comedian Rosie O’Donnell, while Duterte made a rape joke about a murdered Australian missionary. Both men have said, however, that they are not anti-women. Trump explains that he’s just has no time to be politically correct. Duterte, on the other hand, said his rape joke was simply gutter language taken out of context.


6. But it’s not just women

They’ve rubbed entire nations the wrong way. Trump has slammed several countries whom he thinks are taking economic opportunities away from the U.S. Duterte has threatened to sever the Philippines’ ties with Australia and the U.S. after the two countries’ ambassadors condemned his rape joke. Duterte has also had tension with Singapore.


7. Despite their train wreck moments, they’ve attracted more and more followers

Trump’s supporters are ready to fight for him…literally. Duterte’s supporters have been known to issue death threats and rape threats to those who speak out against him. To be fair, at least Duterte has appealed to his supporters to be civil and levelheaded while Trump has incited violence and said he’d pay for legal bills.


8. Both have succesfully tapped into populist fear.

They capitalize on the current rage at their respective countries’ current administrations to fuel their campaign.


9. They are leading the pack

Duterte looks like he has a real chance to be become the next president of the Philippines, while Trump, despite winning the Republican nomination, is still a huge long shot according to most polls.


10. A Trump or Duterte presidency would never be boring.

That one’s for certain.


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