Leech crawls into man’s penis, world winces

An unidentified man suffered what must be the worst pain a man can experience after a leech crawled its way into the tip of his penis.

It wasn’t until blood started emerging from the tip of the unidentified man’s 48-year-old penis that help was sought, and first responders rushed to the scene to discover him standing above a pool of the penis blood at his home in Nong Bua Lamphu province.

The man explained how he’d gone into a pond to search for shells on Saturday. That must have been when the leech crawled in and made a home of his urethra. On Sunday he started to experience pain, and yep, a leech in the penis.

Rescue volunteers sent him to Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, Sanook reported.

Photo: Naresuan Rescue Volunteer


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