Vet confirms: Linhui Panda knocked up

Chinese giant pandas Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui play together in their enclosure at the Chiang Mai Zoo in 2005. Photo: AFP/ Pornchai Kittiwongsakul

Looks like we’re getting a new furry baby after all.

Chiang Mai zoo confirms this afternoon that Lin Hui definitely has a bun in her oven, according to the latest ultrasound.

Guess that qualifies as a false false alarm.

The panda herself is reported to be exploring her habitat to find a shelter for her new baby, suggesting a motherly instinct.

The veterinarian team’s hope was lit up once again as Lin Hui’s hormones dropped to 183 nanograms after having risen to 200 for four days. The elevated hormone level had suggested she might not be pregnant.

The Chulalongkorn’s veterinarian team will also travel to Chiang Mai to check her hormones again this weekend, INN News reported.



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