PH House of Representatives records 16th COVID-19 case among employees

Photo: House of Representatives / FB" width="100%" />
Photo: House of Representatives / FB

The Philippine House of Representatives today said that an additional two employees have tested positive for the coronavirus, bringing the total COVID-19-infected personnel to 16.

House Secretary-General Jose Luis Montales  told reporters in a message that the 15th case was a congressional staff who last went to work on July 6. He added that the infected patient interacted only with “his principal and co-staff members,” or colleagues he closely worked with.

The 16th case, meanwhile, a member of the security staff, last reported for duty on March 12. The security staff took a leave of absence after complaining of renal problems. Montales did not say when the infected patients were swabbed, and when their results were released.

Read: ‘I will do it again’: Cayetano defends ‘we went to work for you’ signboard stunt (UPDATED)

The House of Representatives has implemented social distancing protocols as early March. It’s also carried out virtual hearings and work-from-home arrangements to prevent the spread of the killer virus.

The office of the House of Representatives is located in Quezon City, which has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Metro Manila. To date, Quezon City has 4,391 confirmed cases, with 192 deaths, and 2,501 recoveries.


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