Pinoy taxi passenger in Singapore was so drunk, he paid driver with a piece of paper

Way to go, bro. 

A Filipino taxi passenger in Singapore got so drunk at the lunchtime birthday party of his boss, when he took a taxi (after first stopping at another bar for a few more drinks), he gave the driver a piece of paper as payment.

When the driver refused, 47-year-old Achilles Tomanpos Estremos, an interior designer, tried paying with his debit card but couldn’t remember his correct PIN code. 

Probably exasperated, the driver was willing to forego the S$7 (PHP230) fare and asked Estremos to leave the vehicle so he could pick up other passengers instead.

“Estremos refused, insisting that he had money to pay the fare. He lay down and kicked the side door several times, and then used an umbrella to hit the rear windshield and side window. Estremos also challenged the driver to call the police,” reports The Straits Times.

The driver jumped out of the taxi and locked Estremos inside while waiting for help.

What did our kababayan do next?

“Estremos then climbed over to the driver seat and released the handbrake. The taxi rolled backwards and dented the other taxi, which was parked behind. When the other driver tried to reverse his taxi, Estremos released the handbrake again causing the cab to roll back and dent the taxi a second time.”

Estremos has been fined S$6,000 (PHP197,000) and had to pay the taxi company S$2,280 (PHP74,821) in damages.

So what was he on? According to the report, Estremos had two bottles of wine. What a lightweight.


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